VINTAGE DRAPERIES…the Inspiration Behind a Bedroom. PLUS Shiree’s Fresh Strawberry Tart

joy of nesting

Watch the direction this decorating project takes…  Start with three and a half pairs of vintage draperies, the kind of tea stained floral that inspires many of Ralph Lauren’s designs; vintage light fixtures, and an old dressing table.
Drape the dressing table chair with them. 
Add another fabric, this time a brown striped slip covered chair and ottoman which picks up the tan color of the vintage fabric. The fluffy white pillow adds a modern element. 
Use the brownish stripe fabric again, this time as a bed skirt.
Drape the end tables with slipcovers made from the vintage fabric and add warm white sheers
to soften the light from the windows.
What a nice bed roomy glow.


Integrate another fabric…this time an unexpected Lee Jofa document print by Mulberry with Merlot brushed fringe. Sheers, end table slipcovers and kidney pillows designed by Shiree Segerstrom Interior Design. It’s called a kidney pillow because it’s meant to be placed behind your lower back, near the kidneys.


A change in plans… the warm white walls will soon be a muted fleshy peach color. 


Upcoming purchases are vintage gold toned candelabras, 50’s gold toned branch and leaf lamps, new artwork, and valances for above the windows. 
Disclaimer: “Snowy” the dog wasn’t supposed to be in the picture.
Sources: Lamps from Roost; Stripe fabric Fabricut; chair and ottoman Best Slipcover Company; slipcovers, kidney pillows, bed skirt, and sheers by Shiree Segerstrom Interior Design. Mulberry fabric available through Lee Jofa. Furry pillow by Tozai.  

Crust/ Pate Sucre from The Silver Palate Cook Book
2 1/2 C. all purpose flour
1 t. salt
2 t. sugar
8 T. butter, chilled
6 T. Crisco
5 to 6 T. ice water
4″ wide spatula
9″ tart pan (straight sides, not tilted)
Sift the dry ingredients, butter, and shortening into a food processor for a few minutes. Place in a large bowl and add ice water one tablespoon at a time, stirring with a fork after each tablespoon.
Turn the dough onto a cold, clean surface and with the palm of your hand, smear the dough away from you. Don’t be shy. This will incorporate the ingredients. Collect the dough into two balls and place in cellophane. Gently press the dough balls into cylinders (flattened ball) and place in the refrigerator for about one hour. Flattening the dough balls will lessen your rolling time.
Unwrap dough and place on a floured board. Using a rolling pin (I like my wood one, some people like marble) start from the center of the dough circles and continue working your way out. Add flour as needed to keep dough from sticking to counter or rolling pin.
Using an over sized spatula (I have had the same one for years and it’s 4″ wide) lightly loosen the dough from the board and fold in half. This will help move the dough from counter to pan. Place dough in pan so that the fold is in the center of the pan and the edge of the dough is on the edge of the pan.
Cut excess from pan and bake at 425 for 20 minutes.
Creme Patisserie/Custard filling
2 C. milk
1/2 C. sugar
1/2 C. all purpose flour
3 egg yolks
1 T. butter
2 t. vanilla extract (real not imitation)
Scald the milk in a heavy saucepan. While the milk is heating, whisk the sugar and flour together in a stainless steel mixing bowl. When the milk is scalded, remove the top skin and slowly pour the milk into the flour and sugar, whisking constantly. Place the bowl over a saucepan of simmering water and cook, stirring, until the mixture lightly coats the back of a spoon, about 10 minutes.
Add the egg yolks and cook, stirring constantly until the mixture coats a spoon, about 10 minutes more. NOTE: you have to warm the egg yolks with a little of the hot milk before adding them to the pot! They will curdle if you don’t warm them up slowly.  Remove from heat and add butter and vanilla and mix well. Add to baked pie crust.
Berries and Glaze
Allow to cool well. Add sliced fresh strawberries in a circle starting with the edge of the pie. You can add some melted jelly as a glaze to the strawberries and a mint garnish.
Best eaten within 24 hours.

July 6, 2010

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VINTAGE DRAPERIES…the Inspiration Behind a Bedroom. PLUS Shiree’s Fresh Strawberry Tart

VINTAGE DRAPERIES…the Inspiration Behind a Bedroom. PLUS Shiree’s Fresh Strawberry Tart

VINTAGE DRAPERIES…the Inspiration Behind a Bedroom. PLUS Shiree’s Fresh Strawberry Tart


