ROOM SERVICE home makeover

joy of nesting

One of the quickest projects I’ve done recently was for a retired school teacher.  Her home is an adobe cottage and guest house with tile roofs, rough hewn interior beams, a courtyard garden in back and a rose garden with boxwood “cornerstones” in front…sigh.

When I arrived for our appointment I found an energetic woman in her 80’s who is passionate about her home.  She had been collecting for years, books, prints, antiques, and textiles that provided me an abundance of items from which to choose.

What especially touched me was how much joy she took in seeing her beloved furnishings arranged in a completely balanced and beautiful way.  Three hours sped by as we chatted about ourselves and our families.  While I rearranged the living and dining rooms I visited with Baby, her inquisitive chocolate teacup poodle.

This is my purpose.  I realize that designers aren’t curing cancer but to bring beauty, comfort, and joy to clients no matter the size of the home is very satisfying.

February 11, 2011

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ROOM SERVICE home makeover

ROOM SERVICE home makeover

ROOM SERVICE home makeover


