TREND WATCH…”Done” Means “Dormant”

joy of nesting

I went through a period where color and pattern were anathema to me–now I can’t seem to get enough color and print.  Rich surfaces, handmade details, and evolved art are the things I seek out for my home and the interiors of my clients.
All images C Magazine.  (C published my Sacramento feature in April of this year).

If I made be allowed an observation, design trends are moving toward personalized spaces.  Cookie cutter interiors are quickly becoming passe’ only to be replaced with quirky, well traveled details: spaces filled with travel memorabilia, treasured heirlooms, and framed images of family and friends.

Another design element I currently love is detail and lots of it.  Jacqui Getty’s veranda is a good example of this.  A great day bed, handmade area rugs, throws, nubby pillows, Thai tables and of course plenty of greenery make a great outdoor space.  I am inspired by this space with it’s purples, indigo’s, fuscia’s, blacks, whites, and greens.

Gleaming hardwood floors, zebra print rugs, and warm white linen sofas are a winning combination.  Unadorned windows are a bold step in sunny southern California.  Perhaps a bit impractical but the look is to die for.

A house is always a work in progress.  To think your home will be “done” is unrealistic.  “Done” means “dormant”.  A home is a living thing.  My own home has been undergoing some transformations lately.  I redid the living room by adding touches of turquoise to my moss green and claret color scheme.  The effect is artsy and original.  Next up is a little kitchen redo.  I’m taking up the old flooring, redoing the hardwood floors underneath, and replacing the appliances with Frigidaire’s Gallery stainless steel.

September 4, 2011

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TREND WATCH…”Done” Means “Dormant”

TREND WATCH…”Done” Means “Dormant”

TREND WATCH…”Done” Means “Dormant”


