Santa Baby, Hurry Down the Chimney Tonight

joy of nesting

Holiday shopping online has never been a big favorite for me.  I need the tactical satisfaction that comes from handling merchandise before purchasing.  I did, however, have some fun this year perusing two favorite websites: One Kings Lane and 1st Dibs .

Who doesn’t need a vintage crown or bizarre, er bazaar mirror.

I love this embossed pitcher which can double as a vase…


and these Fleur candelabras.
This secretary is Baroque.

This bottle and basket are French.  I love re-purposing rustic French pieces.
I think this Neoclassical Gustavian daybed would work in my master bedroom.
A pair of lovely gilt sconces.
This pair of French faux basket weave jardinieres would be adorable under my covered patio.
A great hammered trophy bowl for chilling wine or holding my collection of old pine cones.

A great pair of Jacobean armchairs.
Milou mirror by Hubert le Gall.

If I really have to choose just one among these treasures, it will be this Napoleon III birdcage.
I adore this Prattware pitcher.
Is this the most adorable dining room table you have seen?  It is a Wendell Castle.
Tramp art always makes a nice conversation piece.

Spanish buffet with beautiful, intricate designs.  Santa Baby, hurry down the chimney tonight.

December 10, 2011

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Santa Baby, Hurry Down the Chimney Tonight

Santa Baby, Hurry Down the Chimney Tonight

Santa Baby, Hurry Down the Chimney Tonight


