L’Heure Bleu…A few summer wares in our favorite beachy blue color

joy of nesting

From years of retailing and store design my firm has gathered numerous, wonderful sources from near and far. I use these vendors over and over again for reliable products.

This chair and table set is smart and timeless, perfect for a sunroom, patio, even for a guest room if outfitted with a flokati liner. The blue tye-dyed rug is the perfect foil to it’s casual, retro 70’s vibe.

The coordinating tye-dye pillows and fab wicker chair create a soft and laid back feel.  The faded blue denim color is positively yummy. I would love this classic chair anywhere from living room to nursery. I can see it with a retro couch and oversize burl coffee table. Completely fab.

Love these frosted tumblers with the flax motif. Or is that cornflower. No matter, the design takes me to my childhood. I love it when great things come back around.

The industrial style table can be used in a number ways in a variety of different interiors. I love the metal finish and the criss cross support bars. I’m thinking console, desk, or extra work area for the office. Even garden table under a portico.

Beautiful handmade bench and matching table for a small hallway: a very organic seating option. All products available through Shiree Hanson Segerstrom, from one of my favorite, very reputable and eco-conscious vendors! If you are from California I hope you’re basking in this beautiful summer we are having.

Happy Fourth of July and Happy Birthday to my son James “Christian” Segerstrom who turns 28 today. You are the light of my life dear Son!

July 2, 2012

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L’Heure Bleu…A few summer wares in our favorite beachy blue color

L’Heure Bleu…A few summer wares in our favorite beachy blue color

L’Heure Bleu…A few summer wares in our favorite beachy blue color


