Neverlasting Scones

joy of nesting


Christian brought his girlfriend Alexa home for the weekend and I made us all my favorite scone recipe Sunday morning. I served them with butter, apricot preserves, fresh raspberries and Peet’s Major Dickason’s Blend, an old family favorite.

I originally found this recipe in the Sunset Cookbook II. My late mother in law gave me a dozen of the kitchen tested books. It’s entitled Buttermilk Heart Scones but I altered the recipe slightly. Photo courtesy Christian Segerstrom.

Here is my rendition.

3 C. flour
1/3 C. sugar
2 1/2 t. baking powder
3/4 t. salt
1/2 t. baking soda
1 1/2 cubes butter (12 T.)
1 1/4 C. buttermilk
1 egg yolk
splash water
sugar and cinnamon

Preheat oven to 425 and place two oven trays on the top two rungs. In the bowl of your food processor place flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, and soda. Add butter one table spoon at a time. Don’t over blend.

Pour contents in a large mixing bowl and make a well. Pour in buttermilk and blend with a fork gently scraping sides of the bowl till you have a dough.

Transfer dough to a floured counter top and roll into two round cylinders, about 1 inch thick. Cut each cylinder into six pieces. Set pieces onto two baking sheets.

In a ramekin or small bowl, put the egg yolk and splash of water and mix with a pastry brush. Brush the tops and sides of the scones then sprinkle with a little sugar and cinnamon.

Bake for 12 minutes, rotating trays midway to brown scones evenly. Scones should not be over baked. Cool slightly before serving with butter and jams or preserves of your choices.

Serve with jam and sweet butter, unsweetened whipped cream or clotted cream. Enjoy.

December 3, 2012

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Neverlasting Scones

Neverlasting Scones

Neverlasting Scones


