Easter Bunnies and Easter Plans

joy of nesting

Easter is this Sunday and I’ve some great things planned for my family and me.

Spring is hands down my favorite time of year. When Christian was little I’d do a jelly bean trail from his bed to the dining room table where the Easter Bunny had set up breakfast and our baskets. He still comments on how special these touches were.


This year I’m preparing a half ham shank (I’m a vegetarian and this is tough for me), asparagus with home made mayonnaise, fresh fruit, home made Focaccia, an eggplant, red bell pepper strata, deviled eggs, and banana cream pie. All recipes are ones I’ve developed over the years.

We have a hike and picnic planned, some rousing games of singles tennis, and an afternoon of wine tasting in nearby wine country. David (my husband), my mom, Christian and Alexa will be here Friday.

I’m still doing baskets for everyone but now I buy dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. I still decorate with my ever growing Easter collection. This year I added to it with a darling “egg” salt and pepper shakers set. They have litte yellow chicken feet.

Here is a song I learned as a child and taught my son, nieces and nephews:

Maresy dotes and does edoats and little lambs eadivy. A kiddle eadivy too, wouldn’t you? A kiddle eadivy too, wouldn’t you.

If the words sound queer, or funny to your ear, just a little bit jumbled and jivied. Sing “Mares eat oats. And does eat oats. And little lambs eat ivy…

Oh Maresy dotes and does edoats and little lambs eadivy. A kiddle eadivy too, wouldn’t you? A kiddle eadivy too, wouldn’t you.

A song my sweet grandmother taught us when we were little. I passed this one down also:

Grasshopper Green is the funniest chap, lives by the best of fare. Bright little trousers, jacket and cap. This is his summer ware.

Down to the meadow he likes to roam, playing away in the sun.

It’s hoppity skippity, high and low. Summer’s the time for fun.

Happy Easter, and Happy Spring!

March 26, 2013

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Easter Bunnies and Easter Plans

Easter Bunnies and Easter Plans

Easter Bunnies and Easter Plans


