Farmer’s Market…a Rustic Autumn Pictorial

joy of nesting

Recently I had an inspiring visit to a farmer’s market in a small town outside our state capital of Sacramento. Needless to say, I wanted to capture what I saw there and share it with my readers.

It’s called Davis Ranch and they are known for their wonderful, fresh picked non-GMO corn. We enjoyed it a number of times this summer on the cob as well as in a variety of salads. With autumn upon us, I’m starting to think about acorn squash, butternut squash and pumpkin pies and breads.

Enjoy the pictorial.

This fragrant batch of dill found it’s way home with me and became the centerpiece of a birthday care package.

Davis Ranch, 13211 Jackson Road, Soughhouse, Calfornia.

September 22, 2013

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Farmer’s Market…a Rustic Autumn Pictorial

Farmer’s Market…a Rustic Autumn Pictorial

Farmer’s Market…a Rustic Autumn Pictorial


