Make Over My Sofa!

joy of nesting

I called my upholstery workroom last week to talk about changing a client’s existing cushion back sofa to a pillow back. “Walt”, whose opinion I trust implicitly, said that pillow backs tend to lack support. In other words, when you sit back against them, they flatten to the point that your back is up against the hard frame, offering little or no support. Image Serena and Lily.

I don’t usually do pillow backs but the client was looking for a way to change the appearance and comfort level of the sofa and they asked how practical this option would be. Walt and I talked it over and decided the way to make the pillows more supportive would be to place a larger pillow form inside a smaller decorative covering.

The main fabric will be the silvery gray silk velvet above. It will have a back of five twenty four inch pillows: three in the taupe velvet with a contrasting zigzag welt, and two in the zigzag fabric with a Terra Cotta colored, brushed fringe.

Problem solved. New look. Improved comfort.

March 24, 2014

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Make Over My Sofa!

Make Over My Sofa!

Make Over My Sofa!


