Living an Amazing Life With Arthritis: Let’s Get You Proactive Again!

joy of nesting

you lost much of the joy in your life? Do the smallest tasks seem like a
chore even if completing those means you’ll have happier circumstances? Would
you like to live a life full of meaning and purpose? Do you know what that
looks like? And let’s be truthful, do you even know what ignites your spirit

talking to you today about living a vibrant, rich and full life and this is how
it looks!

enjoy life. You heart overflows with love for your circle of friends and family.
You have the energy and enthusiasm to meet your responsibilities, you give back
and you still have plenty of energy left over for play. Your home is beautiful
and functional and supports your lifestyle and your self-care systems. It’s a
comfortable haven for gathering friends and family. Your skin, body and hair
glow from the great nutrition, exercise, down time and sleep you lavish on it. But
man, it’s almost impossible to achieve or even maintain these things when you
live a life with pain! I get it because I have been diagnosed with half a dozen
degenerative bone diseases myself! You most likely take medications and if we can
be truthful once more, they add to your problem. Cutting edge arthritis
specialists now know that bone builders and pain killers create more problems
than they solve! I’m not saying go off your medication, but if your doctor
doesn’t know this by now, maybe it’s time to begin searching for one who does.

In my book Pain Free Decorating: Creating
Nurturing Spaces for Women with Arthritis we talked about creating your
self-care space and about the things you
do for self-care.
I’m here to tell you the key to getting your joy levels humming, being happy in
your own skin and in your relationships, stems from one thing… well two things
that are essentially the same: how you live at home and…how you take care of
yourself while there.

at a higher frequency, looking gorgeously healthy in your own unique way and
living a richer life is at its roots, about taking excellent care of you! It’s about valuing yourself enough
to keep agreements with yourself. It’s about offering yourself the best
lifestyle choices. In your case they are a plant based, 75% raw, organic eating
plan, devoting yourself to the right kind of exercise for arthritis sufferers; and
plenty of rest and rejuvenation.

let’s talk a bit about the steps to take to make them happen for you. I’m not
talking about perfection. In fact, perfection is a joy killer! But there is a
certain level of advance planning and implementation that goes into designing a
life you love. Let’s get started.

Develop a plan

with higher levels of joy requires some planning and implementation. These
steps should be exciting. They should make you stretch your comfort zones a bit,
like going on vacation to a foreign land. But please don’t go on a labor
intense mission that’s going to make everyone around you miserable! That’s
plans should be enjoyable in themselves, like when you take a vacation. You
have to put yourself out there to experience new things and explore. So
remember these words, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”! This is a new
experience you are exploring. Strive for balance!

Steps for Home Design
a budget
a timeline
a solid furniture layout with one or two great anchoring, large scale pieces
that give you a sense of stability.
cooling colors like light grayish taupe, pale gray, light lavender, pale
skin-toned “blush”, muted celadon green and pale cool blue.
warming textures and soothing elements like throw blankets, books, baskets and
feather pillows into your plan.

Action Steps for Excellent

all the areas in your eating plan where you most often fall short.
what tools you will need to inspire and give you the daily impetus you’ll need
to follow through with them such as an easy to clean, easy to use juicer for
green juicing, a sink basket for washing produce, etc.
a sustainable eating plan that you will stick to and then hold yourself

Action Steps to Help You
Prioritize Exercise

all the areas in your exercise plan where you most often fall short.
what tools you will need to inspire and give you the daily impetus you’ll need
to follow through with them such as a stationary bike, a rebounder, two or
three days a week with a personal trainer.

an exercise schedule that you will stick to and then hold yourself accountable!
I love to break mine up, rebounding or stay-biking in the morning, Yoga in late
afternoon before dinner, weights on alternating afternoons.

Schedule Rest and
Rejuvenation Time

body’s healing mechanism is sleep and rest. With arthritis, it’s imperative
that you get a good night’s sleep. The best sleep comes from keeping your room as
a place for rest. Cool, restful colors, comforting elements and textures like
throw blankets, feather pillows, books, good reading lamps, light blocking
window coverings, and the thermostat set at a cool temperature create an ideal
environment for a good night’s sleep.

Mindset tips

you have identified what a joyful life looks like to you, only then can you
implement and sustain it.
once you have achieved it, be happy with what you have my friend and maintain
it joyfully! Gratitude is energizing for you and everyone around you!

Beautifully. Eat Beautifully, 

Click “Pain Free Design and Wellness” for a free chapter of my powerful new book that helps women with arthritis create beautiful, functional homes and take better care of themselves every day because home is where it all begins.

August 14, 2019

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Living an Amazing Life With Arthritis: Let’s Get You Proactive Again!

Living an Amazing Life With Arthritis: Let’s Get You Proactive Again!

Living an Amazing Life With Arthritis: Let’s Get You Proactive Again!


