My Dirty Little Design Secret plus Three Part Free Design and Wellness Book Series!

joy of nesting

put together three signature freebies for you on design, wellness and mindset.
I poured in a ton of experience, guidance, love and hacks into all three so you’ll
have some of my best tools to get yourself lots of results!

I think they are pretty amazing and I
hope you will love them too!

 3 Steps to Mastering Your Mindset

about your home do you love? What don’t you love? Does it provide you with a
place free from frustration and distraction? Do you feel balanced and rested
there. Or do you see a lot of unfinished business lurking in its hallowed rooms! Don’t feel bad. Let me tell you my ‘dirty little secret’

Shiree’s Five Pillars to Optimal Wellness

took me almost twenty years and two or three incarnations to get my own, beautiful 1930’s
Spanish style home “just right”. Yep. Even though the architecture was
spectacular to begin with, it took me time to soften the masculine, craftsman architecture, budget the projects, refurbish
the large terraced property and make several non-decorative improvements (hello
tile roof leaks).

Shiree’s Interior Design and Lifestyle Tips

get ya’ self some mama. GO! 

beautifully, eat beautifully.


February 27, 2020

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My Dirty Little Design Secret plus Three Part Free Design and Wellness Book Series!

My Dirty Little Design Secret plus Three Part Free Design and Wellness Book Series!

My Dirty Little Design Secret plus Three Part Free Design and Wellness Book Series!


