How to Choose, Budget and Plan Your Next Home Remodel

joy of nesting

The pandemic has changed how we live in our homes. With more people working from home and exercising at home than ever before, we’ve become more focused on making our home fit the different roles in our lives. If your home isn’t functioning well for you, here are some tips on how to choose, budget and plan your next home remodel.




While making improvements to your home may or may not add immediate value on paper, it stands to reason that if other homes in your neighborhood are being upgrading, it’s something you should investigate too. Here are some benefits, pros and cons to consider when you plan your next remodel.

Choose, Budget and Plan Your Next Home Remodel

As a guideline for you, I’ve chosen the best interior additions and upgrades for you to consider. Obviously, priorities vary slightly for everyone. Some people care more about the budget and home dollar value while others are interested in lifestyle improvements.





Choosing the Best Home Remodel Projects

Kitchen remodels

Bathroom remodels


Upgraded windows and doors

Casing, molding and hardware

Built-in bookcases

French doors

Fireplaces and mantels

Sky lights and solar tubes

Home offices


Home gyms or workout rooms

These last four are for homes in neighborhoods with enough home value to justify them economically.

Media rooms

Wine cellars

Guest houses




Planning your Remodel Budget with Cosmetic Upgrades Only

If your home was built before 2,010, chances are your kitchen needs a cosmetic upgrade. Anything older 2000 might need a complete kitchen remodel because of the advances in kitchen design in the past 20 years but if the basic footprint is efficient there are a lot of ways to do that without gutting the kitchen like keeping the wiring plumbing and base cabinets the same and replacing the cabinet doors, appliances, flooring, countertops, backsplashes, sinks, faucets, windows, paint and lighting.





Flooring is not that difficult to choose if you have these easy perimeters to follow. Stick with the basics. I love solid hardwood. It’s costly at first but when worked into the life of the home is actually cost efficient when building new or right after you’ve just purchased the home. This way you will re-coop your investment. I don’t care for engineered wood. It can’t be refinished. 

Wool carpet looks better and stays beautiful longer. It’s also healthier. As far as being a compassionate choice, I have my doubts. That’s up to you to decide. There are some health sensitive or ‘green’ carpets available that are made from corn. 




New Windows and Doors

Improving your home with new windows will of course add value to your home but choosing the right style is important too. Consider the architecture. Is it contemporary or traditional? Contemporary style windows don’t usually have grids or panes but rather large expanses of glass.

What materials already exist in the home? If you have light floors, it might look best to do light wood windows. Vinyl windows are easier to maintain, but wood windows are a natural product, are better for the environment, and are beautiful to the eye.

Will sun or privacy be an issue? Protecting your floors and furniture from the sun will be something to consider.

Built In Bookcases and Cabinets

Built-ins like bookcases and cabinets are my favorite architectural details. Without built-ins, a home lacks that distinctive feeling of permanence or purpose. They aren’t that hard to design if you know where they should go, and what they should look like. Coordinate them with your other architectural features like windows, floors and doors.




Skylights and Solar Tubes

The most astounding, small home improvement I’ve seen in years is the series of skylights my good friends Charlene and John installed in their downsized home several years ago. The home is now open, and light filled, and, in the Spring, you can see the tops of their flowering pear trees. As we age, our eyes (and moods!) require light. Skylights are wonderful improvements to consider whether you’re selling or staying put. 

French Doors

If your home is beautifully landscaped with plantings, patios or views, French doors add tremendous beauty and pleasure to home life. Any room in the house will benefit from them. Match the materials to your windows, casing and molding. They are particularly in keeping with an “indoor/outdoor” living style. When deciding on improvements, French doors are not the first, most important improvement for your home. They are something to consider “after” more important improvements have been made, such as kitchen and bathroom updates.




Consider in home improvement than just adding to the dollar value of your home. Think about function and aesthetics, how long you’ll be in the home, the overall value and condition of the neighborhood, the “emotional” appeal the improvements will have on potential buyers, and the enjoyment you’ll derive from the improvements. 

Budgeting for a Kitchen Remodel



I love helping you weave through all the challenges building a nest can bring your way, so dig a little deeper and grab a premier copy of my download “Good, Better, Best Budgeting for Your Kitchen Design and Remodel“. 

In it you’ll get …

  • My good, better, best method for determining the perfectly, perfect sized remodeling project just for you.
  • The classic 50/30/20 Formula to show you how to determine the size of home improvements, according to your very own household income.
  • A pretty little journal to keep track of your first big decisions on your kitchen remodel.
  • A checklist of home design features you might consider in your remodel, with lots of wellness goodness in mind.
  • And a very special introduction, that I’m super excited to share with you, so click over and grab your download. Hurry!


That’s it for today! Bye for now, Shiree’

For more on kitchens, check out my article, Three Remodeling Budgets and Check Lists for a Health-Conscious Kitchen

September 29, 2022

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How to Choose, Budget and Plan Your Next Home Remodel

How to Choose, Budget and Plan Your Next Home Remodel

How to Choose, Budget and Plan Your Next Home Remodel


