
Fall To-Do Checklist for Around the House

joy of nesting

Fall is like a last hurrah of motivation before winter sets in and you prepare to nest. To prepare your own nest for the colder months ahead and make it cozy and comfortable, here is a fall to-do checklist for around the house.



Here is general checklist to consider for fall.

Fall To Do Checklist for Around the House


  • Clean your windows inside and out. Use a microfiber cloth and a glass cleaner to remove dirt, dust, and fingerprints.
  • Wipe down the windowsills and tracks.
  • Wash your curtains, blinds, and drapes. Follow the care instructions on the labels or take them to a dry cleaner if needed. You can also use a lint roller or a damp cloth to remove dust and pet hair.
  • Vacuum and shampoo your carpets and rugs. Use a carpet cleaner or hire a professional service to deep clean your carpets and rugs. This will remove stains, odors, allergens, and dirt that have accumulated over time.
  • Clean and polish your hardwood, tile, or laminate floors. Sweep or vacuum the floors first, then use a mop and a suitable cleaner to make them shine. 
  • Dust and wipe down your furniture, shelves, and decor items. Use a microfiber cloth or a duster to remove dust from all surfaces. 
  • Declutter and organize your closets, drawers, cabinets, and storage areas.
  • Sort through your clothes, accessories, books, papers, and other items and decide what to keep, donate, or discard.
  • Switch out your summer clothes for winter clothes and store them in vacuum-sealed bags or bins.
  • Clean and sanitize your kitchen appliances, countertops, sink, and cabinets. Use a degreaser or a baking soda paste to remove grease and grime from your stove, oven, microwave, range hood, and backsplash.
  • Use a non-toxic cleaner to clean your countertops, sink, faucet, and handles.
  • Wipe down your cabinets inside and out with a damp cloth.
  • Clean your refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher, coffee maker, toaster, and other small appliances as well.
  • Clean and disinfect your bathroom fixtures, tiles, shower curtain, and mats. Use a nontoxic bathroom cleaner in your toilet, sink, bathtub, shower head, faucet, and drain.
  • Use a tile cleaner or a vinegar solution to clean your tiles, grout, and shower door.
  • Wash your shower curtain and mats in the washing machine or replace them if needed.
  • Change your bedding and wash your pillows, blankets, comforters, and mattress pads. Use hot water and detergent to kill dust mites and bacteria.
  • Flip or rotate your mattress to prevent sagging and extend its life span.
  • Check your smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers, and emergency kits. Replace the batteries if needed and test them to make sure they are working properly.
  • Make sure you have enough supplies in case of an emergency such as water, food, candles, solar lights and pet supplies.



Thank you for stopping by Joy of Nesting today! 

Get Organized with my Clear the Clutter Kitchen Makeover!

A clean, freshly organized kitchen totally levels up your lifestyleeating habits, overall efficiency and even your sense of connection

The Clear the Clutter Kitchen Makeover is a kitchen organizing program that guides, motivates and entertains you every step of the way.

  • A customizable plan for your kitchen, your lifestyle and the tasks you perform most.
  • Step-by-step, bite sized actions for each activity.
  • Daily plans, bulleted step-by-steps, printable PDF’s, frameworks and check lists to keep it simple and keep you on track to the finish line.
  • Storage how-to’s to help you plan your cabinets, drawers, fridge and pantry like an organizing pro!
  • A lifetime program you can use again and again, with or without an organizer!

Click the link to see if its right for you!


PS … For some goodness on yoga and wellness at home, check out Joy of Nesting’s, “Your Exercise Sweet Spot: how to create time and space for yoga, workouts and meditation”!

August 29, 2023

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Fall To-Do Checklist for Around the House

Fall To-Do Checklist for Around the House

Fall To-Do Checklist for Around the House


