Create Your Best Life in Your Home

joy of nesting

Our lifestyles are always evolving. The home that was perfect for raising a family won’t likely suit your needs once the kids are on their own. Here are 11 things you need to create your best life in your home to balance and prioritize your life.



Prioritize Health

Health is your first priority. This includes scheduling time for physical activity, healthy food prep, and adequate sleep. When you don’t calendar these they can be overlooked.

Plan Ahead

Planning your day or week in advance ensures you have enough time for essential tasks. This could involve meal planning, scheduling workouts, vacations, home improvement projects or and special occasions.

Time blocking literally changed my life. In a digital calendar or iNotes, block off your day in advance. I love to do this every morning. It’s a game changer. However, I also work on my weekly time blocks too. 

I use Michael Hyatt’s Big Five concept for my yearly, monthly, weekly and daily priorities. It helps me prioritize my health, business goals, finances and more and ensures my life is balanced. His book, “Free to Focus” is a personal favorite. I recommend it to all my working friends.

When scheduling, aim to prioritize five to six main lifestyle categories such as relationships, finances, community or your religious preferences, eating healthy, exercise and hobbies. 

Learn to Delegate

If you’re juggling responsibilities, delegating tasks can free up time for more crucial activities. This means using services for online grocery orders, tax preparations, pet sitting, professional organizing or house cleaning. 

Make Time for Relaxation

Stress management is crucial, especially if you happen to have any physical challenges like me. Set aside time each day for relaxation and activities you enjoy. 

For me, that’s two hours I block just for myself each morning at 6:00. I also take 5 to 10 minutes transition times between office topics. And I schedule plenty of ‘white space’ time around ‘hard things’ that I don’t like doing and follow up with some kind of a treat immediately afterwards.

Effective time management involves creating a balance between obligations and your personal needs. It’s about making conscious choices on how to use your time effectively.

Embrace Your Own Style

Now is the time to truly make your home a reflection of your own life/lives. Work your home around your favorite art, or experiment with newer styles. Your home should be a place where you feel comfortable and inspired.

Prioritize Comfort & Convenience

Comfort is underrated. Invest in a high-quality mattress. Consider updating your kitchen and bathrooms with new, convenient features and fixtures like motion sensor faucets and smart appliances. 

Stay Organized

A well-organized home reduces so much stress and makes daily tasks enjoyable. Take the time to declutter and organize your space. This might involve downsizing your belongings or investing in new storage solutions.

Make Room for What You Love

Whether it’s a hobby, a home business, or spending time with family or friends, make sure your home has space for the activities you love. This might mean converting a now-empty bedroom into a home office or remodeling the kitchen.


Design your home with the future in mind. This might involve a walk-in shower, a kitchen remodel and lever-style door handles.


Light filled room


Connect with Nature

Incorporate elements of nature into your home. Access to nature has been shown to reduce stress and increase well-being. I love French doors, lots of windows and garden views to enjoy year round.

Having lots of plants and flowers in your home is such a joy. The watering isn’t so hard but the accidents can be a lot of work. I like to mix my live plants with faux ones. This gives a natural look. Invest in the best quality you can find because the cheap ones are obviously not real.

Stay on Top of Maintenance

Staying on top of home maintenance can prevent larger problems down the road. Stay on top of repairs such as leaks, cracks and general wear and tear. 

One of the first things you notice when going to other people’s homes is dust and clutter. When you live in a home long enough, you stop noticing it but you’ll definitely notice it when its organized and fresh. 

You get a huge energy boost in clean, organized homes.

Creating your best life at home is about making time for the people you love and for doing things that bring joy into your life. With thoughtful design, your home will inspire and support you in so many ways!


Download Your Free Gift


DOWNLOAD The Wellness Home Shiree Segerstrom Interior Design and Wellness


To get started on a home where you feel healthy, happy and connected grab my complimentary design and wellness download, The Wellness Home.

It’s the prettiest little book. It’s a quick read with super easy design solutions that help you lead a beautiful, healthier lifestyle at home, plus my 3-to-5 Things Framework that gives you step by step actions to get started and stay on track. 

That’s it for today. Thank you for stopping by!


What is Wellness Design? Learn more about the connection between your wellbeing and your home, featured on Deirdre Fitzpatrick’s Dying to Ask PodcastAnd if you’d like to dive deeper into this topic, check out my blog post, “Hiring an Interior Designer”.

September 18, 2023

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Create Your Best Life in Your Home

Create Your Best Life in Your Home

Create Your Best Life in Your Home


