
13 Ways to Clear and Energize Your Home

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13 Ways to Clear and Energize Your Home

Creating a home with a style and energy that looks perennially fresh and updated is a challenge. With occasional tweaks and some great maintenance tips you can keep your home looking fresh and energized all the time. Here are 13 ways to clear and energize your home.


Elements from nature in the dining room

Open Windows Daily

Even if it’s just for a few minutes, opening your windows daily can drastically improve the air quality in your home. Fresh air helps eliminate stale odors and reduces indoor pollutants, creating a healthier living space.

And score! Opening the windows is a great mood elevator.

Rotate Sofa and Chair Cushions

Rotating your sofa and chair cushions not only promotes even wear but also keeps your seating areas looking fresh and feeling comfortable. Done weekly, this small act can make your furniture look newer and more inviting.

Clean Ceiling Fixtures, Fans, and Chandeliers

Ceiling fixtures, fans, and chandeliers accumulate dust and grime over time. You might not detect the dust and grime, but you WILL detect the sparkle and energy that comes from occasional cleanings.

Buy New Drawer and Closet Organizers for Your Bedrooms and Baths

Investing in new drawer and closet organizers can significantly reduce clutter and make it easier to find your belongings. Having organized storage feels more spacious and reduces daily stress.

Buy New Kitchen Towels and Cloths

New kitchen towels and cloths can instantly refresh the look of your kitchen. Opt for quality cotton. I love William-Sonoma kitchen towels and cloths.

Invest in New Throw Pillows and Throw Blankets

Throw pillows and blankets are an easy way to update your living room or bedroom decor. Choose designs and textures that complement your existing decor to create a calm, cohesive look.

Recover Armchairs and Get Matching Pillows Made from the Fabric to Use on Your Sofa

Giving your living room a great makeover with new armchair and matching pillows can create a custom look in your living spaces. Choose solid fabric textures and prints that coordinate beautifully in subtle ways.

‘Windex’ Glass Surfaces in Your Home

Cleaning your glass surfaces can make a big difference in how energized your home feels. Clear, streak-free glass enhances natural light and gives a polished look to your rooms.

Invest in an Air Purifier

An air purifier can help remove allergens, dust, and other pollutants from the air in your home. This investment not only improves air quality but also contributes to a healthier living environment.

You can also look into allergy free vacuum bags.

Invest in Really Nice Quality Faux Topiary and Hydrangeas

High-quality faux plants like topiary and hydrangeas can add a touch of greenery to your home without the maintenance of real plants. They stay vibrant year-round and can enhance any room’s decor.

I love to ‘fool the eye’ with a mixture of faux and real plants and fresh flowers!

Buy Fabric ‘End Chairs’ for the Dining Room

Dining rooms and dining areas are vast spaces of … well, wood! Boring, right?

Fabric end chairs adds warmth, sound absorption and visual interest to your dining room. They provide a stylish contrast to your existing dining chairs and can make your dining area feel more inviting. Less neglected.

And bonus, people will actually begin to ‘hang’ there when it looks more inviting.

Re-do the Dining Room Table Scape

Updating your dining room tablescape with new ‘center pieces’ and table accessories can transform your dining experience. I don’t like proper centered floral arrangements flanked by a pair of candle sticks. I much prefer something asymmetrical, or ‘unstudied’.

You can do two off centered topiary, I like 40 inches high, with a basket set to one side and maybe a stack of beautiful luncheon plates on the other end.

Give Your Most Used Rooms a Makeover Using My ‘What-You-Have’ Makeovers

Sometimes all it takes is a little rearranging to make a room feel new again. Use existing furniture and decor in new configurations to refresh your space. This can create a sense of newness without a lot of new purchases.

If you grabbed my free downloads The Holistic Home Makeover and The Holistic Home Makeover Budgeting Toolkit you’ll have the action steps.

I know how much energy and joy I get from my own home, and how long lasting it is. Once I get it looking and working the way I want I truly don’t change it for ten years or more. That’s how much I love it!

Every little bit helps when it comes to creating a beautiful, healthier, toxin-free home. Start small, and before you know it, you’ll have made a big difference in your home!

Before you go grab a free download, the Wellness Home Checklist below!


The Wellness Home Check List cover



Wellness Design is a huge topic! Creating a healthier, more beautiful lifestyle in your home is easy when you have my pretty little, easy to skim download, the Wellness Home Check List that gives you quick, at-a-glance details on the many aspects of wellness design.

Here’s that link again. Bye for now!

For more goodness on Wellness Design, check out my article How to Get a Wellness-Inspired, Living and Dining Room .

June 19, 2024

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13 Ways to Clear and Energize Your Home

Elements from nature in the dining room

13 Ways to Clear and Energize Your Home

Elements from nature in the dining room

13 Ways to Clear and Energize Your Home

Elements from nature in the dining room


