Hobbit House in Wales

joy of nesting

Stumbling along on StumbleUpon I found this low impact home built by Simon Dale of Wales.  Simon enlisted the help of his father in law as well as visiting friends in the building of his home.  He estimates it took between 1000 and 1500 man hours and cost roughly 60 pounds a square meter in materials.

Many of the materials Simon used were natural.  It is the irregular materials that give the place it’s unique style.  He reports that he enjoyed being his own architect and that collaborative efforts paid off.

I’m thinking pest control as I look at the picture above!  But no matter if you have enough time to manage such things without chemicals.

The window above must be one of the cheeriest spots in the home.  The way the window frames the view outside is really lovely.

I have traveled to Wales and thought it a beautiful place full of friendly, strong minded people.  It was beautifully verdant.  My husband, son, brother, and I were there in early October and it rained the whole week.  Not a good cup of coffee to be found but we did find some great little antique stores and cozy pubs.  I cherish my Welsh made Portmeirion bowl, tea cozy, and numerous tea towels I snagged while there.

For more information please visit Simon Dale.

March 30, 2011

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Hobbit House in Wales

Hobbit House in Wales

Hobbit House in Wales


