Jelly Beans and Stranger Things plus…The Best HOMEMADE MAYONNAISE!

joy of nesting

When my son Christian was little we would create a jelly bean trail from his bed leading into the kitchen where the table had been decorated with baskets of candy left by the Easter Bunny.

I’m not sure who enjoyed it more: Christian, or Jim and me.  Now that Christian lives so far away, he’s not able to come home for Easter, instead saving his trips for Christmas and his birthday.  I still decorate using the same mementos from his childhood and send him pictures of the decorations via cell phone.

Through the mail I’ll send him some chocolate pastel m & m’s and an Easter greeting card.

Spring is my favorite season but I do wish it were longer.  The last few years, spring has been almost non-existent going from cold rain storms directly to the heat of summer.  Today is beautiful here in California and I’m looking forward to a few days off with David.

Few of my family’s favorite Easter foods are healthy.  Aside from asparagus and strawberries, much of it’s fattening.  I love making homemade white bread, homemade mayonnaise, homemade banana creme pie, potato salad, and quiche.  I don’t make them all in the same year for obvious reasons.  My potato salad recipe has been passed down from my great grandmother.  It’s just potatoes, eggs, dill pickles, flat leaf parsley, red onion, celery, and mayonnaise.

Silver Palate’s Homemade Mayonnaise

2 egg yolks
1 whole egg
1 T. Dijon mustard
Pinch of salt
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
1/4 C fresh lemon juice
2 cups best quality olive oil

1. Combine the egg yolks, whole egg, mustard, salt, pepper, and half of the lemon juice in a food processor.  Process for 1 minute.

2. With the motor running, dribble in the oil in a slow steady stream.  When you have added all the oil, shut the motor off and scrape down the sides of the bowl with a spatula.

3.  Taste the mayonnaise.  Correct the seasoning if necessary.  Place in a storage container.  Mayonnaise will keep safely, if refrigerated, for at least 5 days. 

Bon Spring!

Photography Shiree Hanson Segerstrom.

March 31, 2011

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Jelly Beans and Stranger Things plus…The Best HOMEMADE MAYONNAISE!

Jelly Beans and Stranger Things plus…The Best HOMEMADE MAYONNAISE!

Jelly Beans and Stranger Things plus…The Best HOMEMADE MAYONNAISE!


