Simple Christmas Decorations with a Rustic Twist

joy of nesting

Among my favorite jobs is helping with the Christmas decorations for my ongoing clients. It is such a joy spending time in the homes I’ve done, and visiting with clients who have become good friends over the course of many years of working together.  It makes my life very rich and fills me with gratitude.

Enjoy a few of the decorations from last year’s AAUW’s annual Christmas home tour.

Above, a fluted ceramic bowl filled with sugared fruits. The table cloth is a beautiful memento from the client’s trip to Italy a few years back.

This is an amazing antique oil jar, also found on the trip to Italy. The hubby humored me long enough to let me photograph it with a pine cone on top but he wasn’t keen on this particular decorative touch. Thankfully he normally likes what we do.

Olive branches in the adorable guest bath.

The decorations were kept simple and natural. Mostly just clippings from the client’s and my own yard. The sofa is slip covered in robin’s egg blue soft but sturdy cotton.

Above, an original oil by Leslie Hurst. Olive clippings adorn the rough hewn mantel. The walls are plaster.

My buddy Mac in the entry. Mac is a sweet shelter dog the family adopted a year or two ago. This area rug is completely gorgeous. All the rugs are lovely and they soften the tile nicely.

One more holiday post to go before Christmas. I hope you are enjoying the season as much as I am.

December 19, 2012

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Simple Christmas Decorations with a Rustic Twist

Simple Christmas Decorations with a Rustic Twist

Simple Christmas Decorations with a Rustic Twist


