Window Coverings for a Small Home

joy of nesting

Installation day always makes me nervous. All the planning in the world can’t possibly detect every unforeseen contingency. Such as the sheers (not shown) that were delivered last week riddled with manufacturer flaws. The fabric company AND my workroom somehow failed to catch the umpty-ump gaps in the weave (how does that happen!) and they weren’t discovered until they were delivered and unwrapped at the client’s home. I am not happy about it, to say the least.

At any rate, this particular installation above and below went off without a hitch so I am understandably pleased.

In fact, the client ordered four more rooms full of window coverings as well as Roman shades to add to her living and dining room valances (shown below).

The valance is box pleated with a contrasting welt. The other two images are of pinch pleated draperies on traverse rods. Both are classic treatments in versatile fabrics. I like doing tailored window coverings. My designs aren’t always to my own taste but I find my clients are much happier if I design around their preferences rather than my own.

Meanwhile, the “flawed fabric saga” continues. This may turn into a blog post all it’s own if I don’t get satisfaction from my vendors.

May 21, 2013

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Window Coverings for a Small Home

Window Coverings for a Small Home

Window Coverings for a Small Home


