The See’s Candy Fudge Recipe, Plus… Links to Other Valentine’s Day Treats

joy of nesting


I may not have been much of a cook in my teens, but this recipe given to me by an aunt, was super easy even with my limited talent.

It’s every bit as delicious now as it was then and why mess with a good thing? If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.

See’s Candy Fudge

4 1/2 C superfine sugar
1 C. Pet Milk (comes in a can)

Mix these two ingredients in pan over low heat until mixture comes to a rolling boil. Let boil 8 minutes without stirring. Remove from heat and add:

18 oz. unsweetened best quality chocolate chips
1 1/2 cubes butter
1 package mini-marshmallows
2 C. walnuts
2 t. best quality vanilla

Pour in buttered cookie sheet or jelly roll pan. Cool in fridge for 3 to 4 hours. Cut into small squares.

Thank you Auntie!

Brownies in the shape of a …you guessed it. DIY bag and brownie from Twig and Thistle.

Pretzels dipped in white chocolate with heart shaped sprinkles.

Baby pink macaroons. Eat your heart out. Reblogged from Happy Day Out.

Waffles, photo image TomKat Studio.

Light my fire. Love matches from Worth 1000.

With love, Shiree’

February 10, 2014

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The See’s Candy Fudge Recipe, Plus… Links to Other Valentine’s Day Treats

The See’s Candy Fudge Recipe, Plus… Links to Other Valentine’s Day Treats

The See’s Candy Fudge Recipe, Plus… Links to Other Valentine’s Day Treats


