I know the challenges you
face having arthritis because I live with them myself every day! I’m Shiree Segerstrom
and I’m an interior designer with a passion for helping you live a better, more fulfilling life at home. After all, home is where the real self care happens. I’ve always loved designing homes for my clients but adding wellness to my job description makes it so much sweeter!
I have exciting news! I have enrolled in a series of nutrition courses specifically for arthritis management. You will be benefit from this training too and I can’t wait to use it to help you.

So I bought my first wellness book
15 years ago. The reason I embarked on that particular journey is I knew at some point menopause would arrive and I wanted to know what it could look like if a disciplined woman decided to make it a healthy, positive growth period. My own mom was not around at the time and I needed answers. In the process I discovered bio-identical hormone creams, not to be confused with dangerous synthetic hormones like Premarin. I won’t delve into that here. Read Uzzi Reiss’ book listed below for more on bioidenticals (used safely in Europe for over fifty years!) But back to the books. Since that time I’ve purchased over 100 wellness related titles mostly
on nutrition and arthritis management.
I’m sharing a big handful of
my favorites that will be particularly helpful for your arthritis.
One of my greatest joys is to share with you “another way” of caring for
yourself. Most women like you and I have been put on prescription drugs to
treat arthritis. The new doctors, the ones who are effectively helping their
patients are saying these disorders are completely controllable with lifestyle
changes! So yes there is a better way. Does that mean your prescribing doctor
doesn’t care? No, that’s not what that means at all. Doctors don’t get in the business
to make people sick. They are genuinely caring and doing their best. But the idea of
prescribing medication for illness is so pervasive via the hospitals they’re
associated with that many don’t realize there IS another way. Few even have the
time in between caring for patients to stay up to date on medical journals. To compound the problem they’re not required to take more than a few weeks of nutrition.
(NOTE: Don’t
change your medication schedule without first seeing your new doctor. He or she
has the ability to develop a plan for you to slowly wean you off drugs and get
you on a new program providing you are willing to make changes to your eating
plan and physical activities. But she or he can’t help you do so if you’re not willing to make the change.)
I get that this concept might be a
little scary because it means you have to take responsibility for your own
outcome. It’s easy to put your health in the ‘hands’ of your doctor but being a
proactive member of your own team is where you get real results. For a long
time I was into denying responsibility for my own results too and guess what?
It got me nowhere fast. My well meaning doctors wanted to put me on dangerous bone builders, pain killers and high levels of prescription strength vitamin D. Now that I know what I know, I’m very glad I informed myself and took a different direction. I shutter to think of the damage they could have done albeit unintentionally.
The first step on your new journey to health is to educate yourself and the best way to do that is through reading books
by leading arthritis doctors like the ones I’m sharing with you below.
I embarked on my own journey
with a strong, clear vision of what I wanted my future to look like. I saw
myself vibrant, beautiful, healthy and happy. I saw myself playing tennis with my handsome, athlete husband, wearing form fitting clothes, having glowing skin and hair and a limber, strong body. Having such an enticing picture
for my future drives me forward every day as does the thought of guiding you to taking better care of yourself and to finding better answers. You can do this IF you consider this a long game. You’ll see immediate results but for lasting solutions you must rethink how you live from now on.
I’m so excited to share these
with you! These are just a handful of the titles in my Kindle. I’ll share many more with you over the upcoming months.
The Reset Factor
Dr. Mindy Pelz
Healing Arthritis
Dr. Susan Blum, MD, MPH
The Alternative Medicine
Guide to Arthritis
Eugene Zamperion ND, MH (AHG)
Ellen Kamhi, PhD, RN, HNC
The Arthritis Cure
Jason Theodosakis, MD
Quantitative Medicine
Mike Nichols, MD
Charles Davis PHD
Living Foods for Optimum
Brian Clement, Director of
Hippocrates Institute, W. Palm Beach,Florida
Theresa Foy DiGeronimo
Fasting and Eating for Health
Joel Fuhrman, MD
Natural Hormone Balance
(hormones play a big role in women’s bone health)
Uzzi Reiss, MD, OB/GYN
Total Renewal
Frank Lippman, MD
I’ll leave you with a quote
from one of my favorite high performance coaches Brendan Burchard who has helped over a million people reach their
personal, professional and health goals. Brendan says this:
If you have any health concerns or issues, it is imperative to hire a knowledgeable
nutritionist sooner rather than later. He goes on to say that if your current doctor doesn’t encourage
you to eat right and adopt a fitness program five to six days a week, you need
to consider finding a new doctor.
Arthritis is a degenerative
disease. To manage it the way effective specialists are now recommending, you will need
to be proactive and informed. Having an inspiring self-care space is helpful too. It helps you take better care of yourself every day, where self-care
begins. At home.
Live beautifully. Eat beautifully, Shiree