What Does a Healthy Home Life Look Like

joy of nesting

What does a healthy home look like? I’ve created a fun little framework for you below, One Week to Planning Your Lifestyle at Home. But first let’s chat about a few things. 
Does it have open floor plans. Is there generous window space with views of trees and other plant life. Are there optimized zones for connecting with loved ones (and yourself).
Is it filled with natural furnishings like bamboo flooring, low VOC paint and smart appliances that support a healthy lifestyle?

Or does it go more in-depth with sustainable “green” features like renewable energy sources, water efficiency and environmentally optimized building specs and materials?

Forget all that for a moment because here’s the thing: your home either supports or drains you. 

Do you feel energized, relaxed and inspired at home? Does your home support a lifestyle that’s active, or one that’s tied to the sofa and flat screen television?

And if it’s the latter, that’s okay but it’s important to know that your results in life, whether fitness endeavors, financial goals, relationships, everything is tied back to the many actions you take on a day in day out basis.

Not the few, big things you do sporadically. It’s in the day-to-day actions. And that’s why it’s called a “lifestyle”. 



What Does a Healthy Home Life Look Like

I love my home. I love relaxing here; working; taking excellent care of myself and my loved ones in a home that’s beautiful and supportive.
Every day I’m practicing Yoga in the den; making my big raw salads and fresh green juices; riding my stay-bike; or dancing barefooted on my rebounder to my favorite tunes; walking Riley along the bird preserve in back of our community; working reasonable, even enjoyable hours in my home office with a short commute upstairs; and other healthy activities. 
I love how my home balances all of my endeavors from building multiple businesses, to coaching my design client’s, to entertaining family and friends.
The way it looks and feels brings me joy. I love how I’ve decorated it with heirlooms mixed in with new fabrics and modern lamps and how I’ve decorated it with items collected from extensive travels, both nationally
and internationally. 
 My home runs smoothly and allows me to fit so much more goodness into my days. I couldn’t take nearly as good care of myself or accomplish as much in a messy home without these systems. 

I know the various tools to keep me on track, the fixtures, apps and appliances I require such as my Breville juicer; my pretty red VitaMix blender; my rebounder;  my iPad (the mini is perfect for arthritic hands!); the Kindle app that holds all my health and business books, and all the other important things that comprise a healthy lifestyle.


Healthy Home Life Check List


Pour yourself a cup of green tea, grab a fresh tablet and your fave pen, sit in your comfiest chair and dream for thirty minutes. What do you love and what don’t you love about your home? Write it down, no need to be specific just yet. Write down things like the sofa, the bathroom, and the window treatments.

You’ll go more in depth later.


Identify your style preferences like modern, farmhouse, contemporary, and your lifestyle needs like an at home self-care practice, or an at home business.

Be specific here.


Determine how your home is currently functioning and not functioning for you. It’s okay if these overlap with the other bullet points. Write them down anyway. Get really specific here.

Take special note on any of the things you repeat. 


Taking into consideration the things you’ve written down, grab your calculator and calendar and identify your next one to three decorating, remodeling or building plans. From there, build out your budget and timeline. Prioritize things that you can afford first. Spread out things that are too costly right now.

Take your time in writing these down.


Treat yourself to a pretty binder for your project today. Go to Pinterest for inspo. and start choosing colors, textures and styles that feed your soul, but that will also appeal to the other peeps in the home. Choose colors that are restful and styles that mix both feminine or masculine elements.

You can repeat these elements throughout your projects to build visual continuity.


Now, for the big stuff.

Create one ideal floor plan per room. I like the Chief Architect app. If just buying furniture, do a furniture layout. If remodeling an entire bath, do the floor plans. When done correctly this one thing will enhance everyone’s sense of stability and security, and all changes will be built on this one firm foundation. Floor plans are super important and often overlooked. 


Review and refine your notes. Take your time. Staying relaxed will help you be more creative!

And there you have it! 

I hope you get a lot from today’s check list. I know I enjoyed creating it for you. Before you go, check out the new download below for budgeting your next kitchen projects.

Bye for now,

Shiree’ xo


Cover of the Kitchen Budget Design and Remodel Starter Kit complimentary download.



Kitchen Budget Design and Remodel Starter Kit

Manage your kitchen remodeling budget with clarity and confidence. The Kitchen Budget Starter Kit has simple, effective budgeting formulas, frameworks and tools for helping you build a kitchen remodel or makeover budget.
I’ve been designing homes for over 20 years, and I love helping you weave through all the challenges of building a beautiful, healthier home and lifestyle.
In this complimentary download you get …
  • My Good, Better, Best Kitchen Remodel and Makeover Budgets to help you know what to expect in advance.
  • The classic 50/30/20 Formula to help you determine how much of your own household income to dedicate to home improvements.
  • A list of potential products and materials you’ll need, and their price ranges.
  • Two timelines, one for budgeting and one for your projects.
  • And details on a premier service that I’m super excited to share to help you design, plan and implement your own kitchen projects!


Click here to grab your download!
For more on spaces for reconnecting with yourself and loved ones, check out “The Functional Home: How to Use all the Rooms in Your Home”.


April 3, 2020

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What Does a Healthy Home Life Look Like

Cover of the Kitchen Budget Design and Remodel Starter Kit complimentary download.

What Does a Healthy Home Life Look Like

Cover of the Kitchen Budget Design and Remodel Starter Kit complimentary download.

What Does a Healthy Home Life Look Like

Cover of the Kitchen Budget Design and Remodel Starter Kit complimentary download.


